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어제 TechCrunch의 WAC과 관련된 기사를 읽고, 생각보다 빨리 WAC Ltd.가 정리되었다는 생각을 했습니다. Global 통신사의 자금 지원을 받아 운영해오던 WAC Ltd.가 GSMA에 통합된다는 기사였는데 아래 Link를 참고하세요.
기사의 내용을 한 마디로 요약하면 다소 비관적인 어투로 WAC이 GSMA로 통합되고 Beta 상용화된 product인 WAC Network API는 API 전문 관리/개발운영 회사인 Apigee에 넘어가게 되었다는 내용입니다.
이와 연관된 기사로 GSMA에서도 보도자료를 냈는데 같은 내용이지만 제목부터 느낌은 사뭇 다릅니다.
이 두 기사에서 얘기하는 공통적인 Fact는 WAC이 GSMA로 흡수통합된다는 사실입니다. 앞으로 GSMA가 얼마나 더 열심히 WAC 사업을 이끌어갈지는 지켜볼 일이지만 그동안 WAC Ltd.가 독자 생존할만큼 활약하지 못했던 것은 사실인 것 같습니다. 발족한지 2년이 넘었지만 WAC 1.0 사업 실패, WAC 2.0도 2011년말 겨우 한국 사업자를 중심으로 Asia지역에서만 첫걸음을 떼었고 Network API도 Beta Product 수준에 머물고 있는 실정이었기 때문입니다.
제가 주목하는 부분은 WAC Network API가 Apigee로 넘어간 부분입니다. 확실히 GTM(Go-To-Market), TTM(Time-To-Market)에 능한 회사에서 이끌어가는 것이 필요하다고 생각해왔었는데 API 전문회사인 Apigee가 맡게 된 부분은 환영할만한 부분이라고 생각됩니다. 다만, WAC NAPI Project는 3rd party 솔루션 벤더의 부분적 활용만으로 통신사 연합 자체적으로 소화해낸 프로젝트였는데 향후 개발을 Apigee에게 맡기게 되었다는 사실은 한편으로는 조금 안타깝기도 합니다.
앞으로 GSMA가 WAC을 잘 이끌어갈지 지켜봐야 하겠습니다.
I think that WAC Ltd. whacked quicker than I forecast when I saw an article related to WAC yesterday. The article was about merging between GSMA and WAC which has been funded by global operators for operating WAC business. Let's check below link.
An article about WAC by TechCrunch
Briefly saying for this article, WAC will be merged by GSMA and WAC Network API which was launched as a beta product will be transfered to Apigee. Apigee is very smart company for various API development, management and operation. However, this article mentioned negatively about WAC in some aspects.
There was another article from GSMA press but much different mode comparing above article from TechCrunch.
Press release about WAC from GSMA
The common fact in these articles was that WAC will be merged with GSMA. The remain issue is how goes well to lead WAC business by GSMA in the future but it is approximately fact that WAC Ltd. didn't bring an impact to the market and didn't make a power to survive by itself. Even though 2 years after the starting, WAC 1.0 was failed and WAC 2.0 just started in Asia region led by Korean operators via K-Apps. Network API also still remains as a beta product.
The part I focused on this articles is that WAC Network API has transfered to Apigee. I have been thinking it's necessary to lead by a company expertised at GTM and TTM, so welcoming for that. Merely, WAC NAPI project was made by collaborating between operators just using 3rd party vendors as a partner but it's a little regrettable to transfer that to Apigee.
We shall keep in observing how will GSMA lead well WAC business in the near future.
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