Welcome to the GSMA Access API wiki
This Wiki describes the OneAPI (Open Network Enablers API). It is a set of API specifications that can be implemented by network operators to allow access to network capabilities such as SMS, MMS, location and payments.
Version 1 candidate release APIs
The following APIs are OMA candidate releases. A minor change highlighted in the Payments API will be applied for the full 1.0 release, otherwise these are the v1 APIs:
The RESTful APIs are also available in this .zip PDF bundle (~235KB)
Web Services APIs: (to be added soon)
SMS Web Service API
MMS Web Service API
Location Web Service API
Payment Web Service API
Version 0.91 beta APIs
Note that Version 0.91 OneAPI is the current version deployed at the Canadian OneAPI Pilot.
Changelog: version 0.91 provides a bug fix to the formencoded-url POST methods, where the wrong syntax had been used.
Web Services APIs:
Messaging RESTful Binding is also available for testing at Vodafone Betavine
Prerequisites for using the APIs
Please see the Dependencies page to learn how to authenticate your application to the APIs.
We are now looking at the additional APIs which will make up OneAPI 2.0.
These specifications should be available at the end of 2010.
Please follow and comment upon the development of the new APIs at the OneAPI 2.0 page.
OneAPI 3.0
For our 3rd phase (2011) we are looking at:
QOS to ensure a good qualioty, jitter-free video stream between a Web server and handset
Other suggestions very welcome! Please send to oneapi [at] gsm.org
OneAPI also specify datatypes used to consume the APIs:
NB for the Device Profile API, the Access group recommend utilising existing standards and implementations, as recommended by the W3C Device Description Working Group ( http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/DDWG/ ).
We also believe that there are a number of Non-functional Requirements that will help developers deploy implementations quickly and securely across networks.
Using the APIs
Regulatory considerations:
Security & AAA:
Please see (and comment on) our research on Best Practice for Security & AAA - is this workable for operators and developers? Meanwhile we will be working with other forums to see if it feasible to produce a AAA and operational framework that can be supported across OneAPI operators.
All the acronyms and terms we use are defined in our glossary.
Please provide your feedback on whether these are the correct APIs to help you write new applications and mash-ups?